Time: 1979 Place: St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

  • A small, round object caught my eye. Now, 30 years later, I have a houseful of hedgehogs.

About the Weblog

  • This weblog is mainly for hedgehog lovers and mostly for fun. At first, I collected hedgehogs because I thought they were cute. When I began to learn more about the little creatures, I found they are becoming endangered in the wild due to habitat destruction and accidental death by cars and farm machinery. My wish is to bring some happiness and amusement to others who also love hedgehogs. In addition, I hope that more people will learn about the plight of these harmless little animals, and do what they can to protect them.

  • Visit the British Hedgehog Preservation Society to learn more about wild hedgehogs.

  • If you are interested in a site discussing both wild and domesticated hedgehogs, visit The International Hedgehog Association.

My Children's Book

The Roundabout Hedgehog Journey

  • Thanks to a chance meeting, my book found its illustrator. In Stratford-upon-Avon, my husband and I met a British man who happens to live in the US. We eventually reunited in Florida, where I met his wife Nancy. During our first conversation, she said, "I've always wanted to illustrate a children's book." Luckily, I had written one! VIEW AND ORDER MY BOOK at happyhedgehogs.com
Order Our Book Here

Quills of Interest

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